James Mitchell

With fall season well underway, lawns need ample care. Your lawn must receive fertilizer in the fall season to ensure a healthy turf during next year’s spring.

Yard weed control, on the other hand, is a good way to deal broadleaf weeds in your Utah lawn. You or your lawn care provider has to tend your lawn in the fall to ensure its healthy growth. At the same time, you can prepare your lawn for the snow and extreme cold this coming winter. Here’s what you can do:

Clear Debris

Debris, such as dead grass and leaves, can keep water from reaching the soil. They can also cause moss growth and fungal development. You can have your lawn cleared of any or all debris to encourage healthy grass growth. In winter, your grass will be safe because of their freedom from debris.

Aerate the Lawn

Other than debris removal, you should have your lawn aerated. Aeration, or simply spiking holes in the ground, can facilitate water and fertilizer absorption. Once the lawn is aerated, you can brush fine horticultural grade sand into the holes. The sand will keep the holes open, allowing air and water to pass through freely.

Spread Compost and Overseed

After clearing and aeration, you can spread compost on bald spots in your lawn. About a half-inch layer of compost will be good enough for seeding. Your compost needs to be dry, crumbly, and cool; otherwise, your lawn will be burned and will attract pathogens. You can subsequently have your lawn overseeded.

Water and Mow

Finally, you can have your lawn watered and mowed down. You will know when your lawn needs mowing when the grass grows to three inches. Mow your lawn down to one-and-a-half inches tall to make sure it is ready for the winter.

After you have followed the steps above, you can leave your lawn and wait for winter to come. Come next spring, you can expect a lush green lawn.

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