James Mitchell

The pandemic made it harder for people to travel and go outside. There is always the constant risk of catching the dreaded virus we all know as COVID-19. Especially now, with new variants of the virus popping up one after the other, staying cooped up at home for most of our days is vital. But when we do go out, it’s only out of necessity.

It won’t be a surprise if everyone’s itching to go on vacation and travel. We should applaud ourselves for still staying sane even if we’ve been stuck indoors for way too long. While heading out still poses some risk, there is a way to bring the outdoors into our homes.

A garden isn’t just about the plants and trees that we plant. It can be much more than that. It can quickly get that outdoor getaway vibe with a complete revamp. There are so many themes, designs, and landscaping styles to choose from that there’s one that will fit every single home. Turn your garden into an outdoor paradise, and you’ll have a safe way to have fun outdoors away from the threats of COVID-19.

Where to Start?

Before you go and buy anything for this project, you must first identify how you want to use your garden. Will it be an active space where you could potentially invite guests over? If so, how many people do you think would regularly come? Maybe you want to transform your garden into a tranquil environment that’s perfect for relaxation. Whatever the case, identifying the new purpose of your garden will help you transform the place strategically. It will make planning the whole project an easy task.

Once you’ve picked the purpose of your new garden, it’s time to decide the theme. Do you want it to look lively like summer in Miami, or do you want it to be a zen experience in the hot springs of Mt. Fuji? Considering how you want the garden to look will help you find the right pieces to complement it.

This project could get people caught up in numerous design inspirations. It can get too overwhelming to a point where they get stuck. While people may have a clear design idea, translating it into a cohesive garden is an entirely different ball game. Consulting a professional garden designer is a wise choice to truly elevate and transform your garden into the outdoor getaway of your dreams. They can help you translate your vision for your garden into reality and possibly make it look even better.

With years of experience under their belts, they provide a service you can have confidence in that you can’t get anywhere else. From flawless execution to a perfectly coherent design, garden designers have you covered.

Identify Areas of Interest

gardening concept

Before you even start thinking about what plants, flowers, or trees you want to add, you must first identify the areas of interest in your new garden. These consist of where you want your tables, seats, and garden furnishings to go. Knowing where to place them will help you situate foliage strategically and perfectly around them. It helps give your plants and flowers more purpose, adding emotion and drama to those key areas.

Take note of the sun’s path when deciding where to place areas of interest in your garden. Situating these areas in places where shade is most plentiful will make them more pleasant dwelling spaces. Additionally, finding where the wind blows just right, not being too strong nor weak, will help your areas of interest stay cool and fresh.

Set the Mood

Once you’ve finalized the layout and theme of your new garden, it’s time to add the finishing touches. These final elements will complete the look and feel of your garden:

  1. Foliage – Before choosing what plants or trees to add to your garden, you must understand its conditions first. How much sunlight, wind, or rain will your garden have? Which parts of your garden will have the most light and the least? These factors will help you narrow down your choices in foliage and help you identify which ones can thrive in your garden.
  2. Lighting – While you mostly won’t need any other lighting in the day, you must not ignore the beauty that ambient lighting provides at night. When used correctly, ambient lighting can transform the atmosphere of your garden and set it to any mood. Low wattage warm lighting can turn your garden into a warm romantic escape. In contrast, cool white lights can create a calming effect in the dark.

You’re bound to have a big smile on your face when you see the transformation of your garden. Your dream getaway is now just a few steps away, right in your backyard and safe from all the uncertainties in the world.

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