James Mitchell

Being an architect is a very complex job. The common misconception is that architects design the buildings, and engineers build them. But architects don’t only have design in mind. They also have to consider the functionality and quality of the structure.

No matter how good of an architect you are, you’ll have a difficult time finding clients if you don’t have a portfolio. A portfolio is a compilation of all your projects for various clients. This is what companies look at to decide whether they want you to work on their building.

So the trick to finding clients is through creating a stunning and attractive portfolio. This is where you market your work and convince clients to hire you. But what are the key points you have to put in there to make it outstanding? Here are some tips.

Think of your target market

Some architects make the mistake of having one portfolio on hand and showing the same thing to various clients. But the problem with that is the designs may not be tailored to the client you’re after.

Have different sets of portfolios and continuously update them. Make sure each portfolio fits the nature of your client’s work and the type of project you’re going to give them. Find out as much as you can about the potential client and adjust your portfolio accordingly.

Try to identify their wants and needs and put those key points in your portfolio. The more they feel that your work is aligned with the company’s goals and identity, the more likely they are to hire you.

Quality over quantity

Another mistake architects make creating a voluminous portfolio. They try to put all their projects in there. Maybe it’s because they think the more projects they’ve done, the more credibility they have.

But the truth is that clients don’t care about quantity. They focus more on quality. No matter how many projects you’ve done, they won’t hire you if they don’t like the quality of your work.

Put only your best work in your portfolio, according to the nature of the project your client is after. Try to sheer away from irrelevant projects that won’t add value to your client.

Don’t overdo it!

architecture designing a blueprint

By “overdo,” we mean putting in too many photos and too much text. Understandably, you want to say as much as you can about the project and give them as much information as possible.

But too much text will exhaust your clients. They’re probably too busy to read through everything. So try to limit the information you include. Only put in vital facts like duration of the project, who the client was, steps you made to ensure quality like soil compacting efforts, etc. Don’t put in other information your potential clients don’t need or want to know.

Have a printed and digital portfolio

Your portfolio should come in two forms — print and digital. A digital portfolio will enable you to reach more potential clients. You can “wow” them at once by sending your portfolio along with your email.

Clients would also appreciate a printed copy of your portfolio, which should be crafted to perfection. You have to pay attention to even the smallest details, like the binding type, the kind of paper you use, print quality, etc. The more beautiful your printed portfolio is, the more you show the client your skills and ability to put attention to detail. Those are qualities they would appreciate from an architect.

Take these tips into consideration when you craft your portfolio, and there’s no doubt clients will be more inclined to hire you!

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