James Mitchell

So you talked to all the reliable estate agents you know and have finally found the house with the perfect location. However, the interior seems to need a revamp since the previous owner’s taste does not sit quite well with you. Plus, you have been bingeing on home transformation videos and you couldn’t wait to start working now that you’ve been handed the key to yours.   Here are the things you have to consider when transforming a previously owned house into your very own modern home:

Plan your interior

Of course, this should be first on the list as this will dictate your choice of light fixtures, furniture, flooring, and the house’s collective design. You have to keep in mind who will stay in the house and your purpose for redesigning. Remember that you and your loved ones are going to live in such a house so you should be practical and realistic. How will you use the space?

Next, determine your budget. How much are you willing to spend? It doesn’t have to cost a fortune since there are a lot of ways to cut the cost while still making it all look elegant.  It is also important to strike a balance in your overall design and not just focal points. Consider the windows and doors so you can determine where to position things. Planning your space will make life at home efficient. Come up with a clear plan and vision so you can make the transformation as smooth as possible.

Install new light fixtures

One of the most straightforward and affordable ways to give a new vibe to an old house is by installing new light fixtures. As known to many, if not all, lighting does not just make it easier to navigate around your house, it also affects each room’s overall appearance. Some opt for chandelier installation to give a more sophisticated touch. LED ceiling lights can also offer a more vibrant and welcoming ambiance while still being chic.

There has also been a trend on light fixtures with metals on different shades as its material. Changing the lighting can easily transform the rooms’ vibe and make the property more valuable. Just keep in mind that this will still need some careful planning or a professional to ensure your safety.

Add modern furniture

Modern living room interior

While you can still keep the old furniture from the last owner when they are still pretty decent and functional, it is better to add modern furniture. You can either mix and match it with the old ones or just replace them all entirely. You can never go wrong with modern furniture as they serve their purpose while delivering aesthetics.

Since the modern design focuses on clearer looks with minimal ornaments, you must choose what to add meticulously. If you want a room with a strong personality, go with square-edged sofas or chairs with angular details. Modern curvatures also offer a clean and stylish look especially when the color blends well with the interior. Using furniture made of natural materials such as rattan and natural wood has also been a modern design trend.

Choose the best flooring

Naturally, you want a flooring material that will best suit your needs. If your house is in an area with a high or medium moisture area, you would need concrete, porcelain, or ceramic tiles. If you are on a tight budget but would still like to change the flooring, you may opt for vinyl tiles which you can install by yourself and can cut the cost by almost half. You can opt for a tile, sheet, or plank—whichever fits all your criteria.

Solid hardwood is aesthetically pleasing and the most sustainable of all since it is naturally renewable and can last for hundreds of years. This explains why it is a classic and has been used for centuries. Choosing is also pretty straightforward since it is almost always whether you’ll go with oak or pine. If on a budget, you can also opt for reclaimed wood or wood-like materials. Just keep in mind that beauty has its price as this type of flooring takes a lot of maintenance. To keep it looking good, cover high traffic areas with a neutral-colored carpet.

Aside from the four main considerations mentioned, you can always hire an interior designer that can help make your ideas come to life and help better them. You can also hang contemporary art or have an accent wall; it’s all up to you. Your home is a place where you recharge, bond with your loved ones, and create new memories. Sure, sprucing up an old house into a modern one can be a bit tiresome but keep in mind that great planning brings about great outcomes. It will all be worth it once you finally live in it and make it your family’s fortress.

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