James Mitchell

Marie Kondo is one of the most beloved Netflix stars these days. The show’s launch came with perfect timing– exactly when people have just finished the previous year with a firm resolve for making a new year’s resolution.

Sustaining the high is a bit hard. But this newfound job sparked by tidying can be even made more powerful when combined with deep cleaning methods that can purge all the bacteria in your home.

You don’t have to be a domestic goddess or the protege of Marie Kondo to make this happen in your home at all times. Here are some tips on how you can slowly but surely introduce deep cleaning methods inspired by Marie Kondo’s KonMari:

Maintain an attitude of gratitude

At the beginning of any home project, Kondo is known for greeting and thanking the house with the family who lives in it as a form of respect as they begin the cleaning process. There may be many things you don’t like about your house, but now is an excellent time to start expressing gratitude for what it is and what you hope it can eventually become.

Visualize the entire design of your home

Begin with the end in mind by having a drawn layout of how you want the furniture to be arranged and where you want certain things. At this stage, do not limit yourself tremendously. Think of possibilities or even potential improvements if the home needs it. This inventory allows you to understand and balance substance and style in your home.

Put deep cleaning and joy sparking hand in hand at your own pace

Woman choosing clothes

Following the categories of Marie Kondo, begin with clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous items and sentimental ones as the last in the pile. Her guests took anywhere from weeks to months depending on the size of the house. If you are working fulltime and not part of a reality show, you can dedicate an hour or two per day with the family to do these things. The whole project of home improvement can take longer like six months to a year, but at least you got there slowly but surely.

Delegate a task to each family member and outsource the things that need it

The more you do things together, the happier it gets and the lighter the load. But if you have a pest problem, for example, instead of delegating a family member to handle it, you can also get yourself a commercial pest control service provider.

Keep toddlers away from deep cleaning materials

Your cleaning materials can be potentially strong especially if they are not organic cleaners. Toddlers and children should be kept away from these hazards, and you may be better off scheduling these deep cleaning sessions when the kids are in school.

Consistency involves making time. So make time for this. Do not just do it as a quarterly thing but make tidying as a habit that you do daily. It can be as small as just throwing unnecessary paper clutter or even dusting a console table. No matter how small, do one thing that leads to improving the home.

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