James Mitchell

Some couples get preoccupied with the wedding preparations that sometimes, they forget what is more important – life after the wedding. A wedding lasts for a day, a marriage is for a lifetime. It is nice to have a beautiful wedding, but every couple should also be prepared for all the challenges they may face throughout their married life. Starting off on the right foot is essential to a successful marriage.

Here are some ways couples can prepare for their lives together:

Be on the same page

Aside from wedding plans, a couple must talk about things that will affect their married life. Are they ready to purchase one of the new houses for sale in Townsville? Or will they rent initially and save some more for their future home? Are children in the foreseeable future? The couple must answer and discuss these questions together.

Expectations, when left unchecked, may bring tension early on in a marriage. Even the division of household chores can be a start of a disagreement. Make sure that you and your significant other are clear on important issues. What’s more, try to be on the same page about them.

Rely on the advice of role models

New marriages can benefit from the guidance of people who have been in that position once. Look for mentors who are willing to commit to walking with you in your journey to married life. The best people for this, if possible, are your and your spouse’s parents. Older couples such as a boss or a family friend can also help in this area.

Take advantage of helpful resources

Marriage is like a major course in the school of life. As such, there are available resources to help you enjoy it. Look for marriage books that you and your partner can read even before the wedding. Set aside time to discuss together the ideas from these resources. You can choose topics that you think both of you should focus on. There is a wealth of books about communication, intimacy, or financial management.

You can also enroll in marriage preparation classes. Some conduct classes in person, while some are available online. The rationale of such things is to nip any potential issues at the bud by being aware of them.

Start “we” habits

The greatest shift in marriage is the awareness that it is not all about yourself now. Thus, it is good to have a “we” mindset in place.

A good marriage has no magic potion. It is intentional to keep a marriage working. You can help your married life thrive by making and keeping “couple habits”. Pick one night every week that works best for both of you. Set it as a date night to keep the romance alive. Have a weekend afternoon to discuss important issues. Find activities that canl strengthen you as a team.

Be mindful of how you handle conflict


Misunderstandings are natural in any marriage. It may be more during the first few months as you adjust to one another. Be mindful of your and your spouse’s conflict resolution style. It will help how you handle issues that may arise.

Remember that your concern is not about your spouse. It could be an issue, a habit, or a callous action, but do not make it about the person. Also, never make leaving or divorce as an option during a heated disagreement, especially if it is about something minor.

Give your marriage careful thought from the beginning. It will less likely to have big issues along the way. Focus on a good start and keep it going.

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