James Mitchell

Garage doors, just like the rest of the garage itself, often get neglected in favor of the rest of the structure when it comes to maintenance and repairs. What people tend to forget is that leaving them be when there are defects can only lead to further complications and huge repair bills, which can be prevented by proper maintenance. On that note, here are a few ways for you to take better care of your commercial garage door and avoid shelling out major fixes for it:

Oiling and Lubricating

Creaking noises and resistance whenever you or your employees try to close the door can only mean that it needs a bit of lubrication, so bust out your oil cans and start to apply some grease to it. Keep in mind, though, that just any kind of oil that you can get your hands on won’t do. You need to make sure that it will be appropriate and will be applied to only the applicable parts of the door. If you’re not certain about any of these, you can always call in professionals in Salt Lake City to either do the job for you or teach you how to do it.

Thorough Cleaning

Perhaps the most basic step that you can perform as part of your garage maintenance is to clean your garage thoroughly and regularly. Make the cleaning days frequent, preferably once a week, to help prevent the accumulation of dust and grime, which can affect not only the work you do there but also the tools and other equipment stored in the area. If you’re unable to accomplish a more thorough cleanup, then you can opt to clean your garage door by hosing it down and scrubbing it to get rid of the dirt.

car entering through garage door

Additional Repairs

It’s inevitable that some parts of the garage will need repairs and replacements if you haven’t been paying the proper attention to it. Ideally, you’d want to have your garage door parts replaced on a yearly basis. However, most people find it more convenient to do the replacement the moment that the garage door breaks, which can potentially endanger those who use the area. Have the door and its parts inspected on a regular basis. If you notice any problems, then you need to have one of the repair experts check your commercial garage door.


Part of the entire maintenance process is to ensure that your door works fine, so you’ll need to conduct certain tests to check if it’s fully functional. You can begin by testing the garage door balance by pulling the release handle and opening it halfway manually, then letting go of it. If it stays in place, then you have no problem. However, if it doesn’t, then you may need to purchase new springs. There are other tests that you can do, depending on the features that your door has, such as auto-reverse.

When it comes to you and your employees’ safety, you can’t afford to take risks. Even the simplest of actions, such as inspection and cleaning, can make a big difference, so take the time to do so. You’ll be pleasantly surprised what spending a few minutes of and dollars on checking and tidying up can do to help you save up on larger expenses.

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