James Mitchell

It’s been more than a year since the onset of the pandemic. In one way or another, you probably have rearranged your stuff in your bedroom. Maybe you have thought of changing your wallpapers or ordering a new lamp or table for your home office. Once or twice, you must have thought of contacting your local home builder to renovate your house.

It’s okay. You’re not alone. Last year, Porch Research reported that 3 in 4 homeowners in the U.S. have made at least one project to improve their homes. Most homeowners renovated or redesigned their outdoor areas, including their garden and patio. Others did changes to their wall paint, floorings, and bathrooms.

Half of the respondents said that the pandemic was the perfect time for them to do home improvement. Others also got inspired to renovate their houses as they spent more time indoors.

Home Improvement Also Improves Mental Health

It isn’t only about renovating or redesigning your homes. It has also become an outlet for people to relieve their stress and anxiety over the pandemic.

In June 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that 40% of American adults struggled with their mental health and substance use. Some Americans experienced symptoms of anxiety and depression. Others struggled with trauma and stressor-related disorder symptoms. Some relied on substance use while others seriously considered committing suicide.

Another study by the Kaiser Family Foundation noted that most cases of mental health struggles are associated with job loss or lower incomes due to the pandemic. School closures and child care issues were also common factors.

Many Americans coped with the stress and anxiety by doing home renovations. Survey says that 34% of respondents believed that their home improvement projects were good for their mental health. At least 49% of them felt joy as they did their projects.

According to the survey, bathroom repair is number one on the list of DIY quarantine projects. Next is the painting of house interiors, while rank three is designing bathrooms. Take note that these activities are not grand renovations by home builders. Most projects only involved rearranging stuff, putting on home decorations, and repainting walls.

DIY projects help people beat cabin fever since they are easy to do during this pandemic. High-quality home decorating tools are available online; you can also watch DIY home renovation tutorials on Youtube. There’s no doubt that any DIY home project will keep you preoccupied.

How does home improvement help people cope with anxiety during the pandemic? Here are the reasons:

· Home design keeps your creative juices flowing.

When you plan, you keep your mind going. You visualize your design, and you keep your brain working. Your brain is being challenged on every DIY project that you work on. You think of colors and designs. You plan and construct. Doing home renovation projects is an exercise for your mind. And, you enjoy it because you’ve been stuck at home doing the same things for months.

· DIY projects keep you moving.


You are stuck in your home office all day, and you miss running around how you usually did pre-pandemic. You don’t get to walk as often. You miss the rush of the busy streets and the pressure in the office. With DIY projects, you get your hands doing work yet again. You get to keep your hands dirty. You move around, and you feel like you’re being active again. It’s actually what you miss about going to work. You miss feeling physically tired.

· Home renovations give you a new perspective.

Given the stay-at-home orders, you are stuck at home 24/7. You could only go around your living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. And, one year into the pandemic, you must be experiencing cabin fever already. You get bored, and you don’t get motivated to work because you’ve only been seeing the same things every single day.

With home renovations, you give your home a new look. It refreshes your perspective. A simple wall accent or a quick rearranging of your work area can immediately set the mood. It gives you a happy vibe. It motivates you to get working, even if you only move around the four corners of your home.

These may sound like simple home projects that can easily be completed. But, to some, they have become an outlet to relieve the stress and anxiety that this pandemic brings. It did not only become a hobby. It has also become a nurturing activity that heals the mind, calms the soul, and refreshes the spirit. 

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