James Mitchell

Climate change is here. It’s no longer something that scientists and environmentalists predict will happen because it’s already happening. You can feel it in the way the weather is much more temperamental than it was before or see it in the news whenever people mention that the polar ice caps are melting.

Although you might not be able to do anything to stop the global environmental crisis from happening, you can do your part to slow down its eventual demise. An example of this is practicing sustainability and eco-friendly habits inside your household. If you’re not sure where to start, here are six suggestions you can consider:

Renewable Energy

Because it’s impossible to live in the modern age without electricity, you should at least think of an alternative solution that won’t create as much carbon footprint as the burning of fossil fuels. For instance, you can look into what renewable energy sources you can use for your household.

One of the most popular solutions to this is installing solar panels to harness the energy from the sun. There have been many success stories of homeowners switching to solar energy for their houses and conserving energy in the process. But of course, there are other options that you can consider for your houses, such as geothermal energy, wind power, or even biofuel.

Water-efficient Fixtures

A typical household consumes more than 300 gallons (1,135.62 liters) of water a day for showering, using the toilet, doing the laundry, and performing other activities that involve running water. While this may not look like much, it could quickly rise to a substantial amount when you factor in how many households there are in the world.

Although you may not be experiencing the drought in your city or state, that doesn’t mean it’s not happening elsewhere. So, if you think that you’re using up too much water, consider switching your outdated plumbing fixtures to water-efficient ones. This can include using dual-flush toilets, low-flow showerheads, and water-saving faucets.

Home Insulation

No house is completely sealed. There will always be gaps between the floorboards and spaces in the walls where drafts can pass through. While this isn’t a big problem in itself, it can cause you to blast the A/C during summer and crank the heating during winter. That is if you have yet to insulate your home.

You could also consider installing weatherstripping if the initial insulation isn’t enough to control your home’s internal temperature. Another solution would be to install solar shades for windows so that you can reduce your overall cooling costs when the weather’s warm. Because you’re decreasing the heat that your house gains, you won’t have to depend too much on your HVAC system.

Compost Pit

There are plenty of ways to lead a sustainable household, one of which is to start a compost pit in your backyard. Whenever you compost your organic wastes, like leftover food, vegetable and fruit peelings, or leaves, you allow them to undergo the natural process of decomposition. And in turn, you create a natural fertilizer that you can use for your garden.

You can start composting by making a compost bin or a heap and placing all your organic matter inside it. Then, you should alternate layering green and brown materials within the containers to add nitrogen and carbon to the compost accordingly. Green materials refer to grass clippings, fruit peelings, and other kitchen scraps, while brown materials refer to leaves, papers, and wooden byproducts.

Homegrown Produce

Not everyone has the green thumb, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try. If you have yet to dabble in gardening, you might want to take this chance to start growing your own fruits or vegetables from your backyard. Gardening can be a great way to pass the time and encourage you to be more active every day.

Moreover, if you can make homegrown produce at home, you might be able to save a few trips to the grocery store or farmer’s market when you run out of supplies. And if you can grow more than your household can consume, you could sell it because it’s a practical way to earn more money on the side.

LED Light Bulbs

If you’re still using fluorescent or incandescent light bulbs in your home, you may be consuming more energy and, therefore, spending more money than what is necessary. This is because both types of light bulbs are inefficient compared to modern LED light bulbs. Plus, there’s also the issue of safety.

That’s because fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury, which can be harmful to the individual exposed to it. So, consider switching all your light fixtures at home to LED bulbs because they shine brighter, last longer, and consume much less energy compared to other alternatives. And they cost less in the long run.

Choosing to lead a sustainable and eco-friendly household will take much more effort than usual, but it can also be more rewarding. Just imagine that every time you conserve water and energy, you’re helping the planet live a little longer. And because you did your part for the environment, you won’t have to live with the guilt of being an apathetic bystander to earth’s eventual downfall.

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