James Mitchell

How do you know if you should repair or replace your cooling system after it breaks down or uses too much energy? Newer systems usually use less electricity than older ones because of new developments in their fabrication. This can make repairing older systems seem like they aren’t worth the expense. However, often, only simple problems exist and you can simply clean up debris clogging the condenser unit or replace a worn fan belt. If these improvements can increase a system’s overall effectiveness, you won’t need to replace the air conditioning unit right away.

But when larger problems present, you should contact air conditioning companies in Salt Lake City. Contractors are experts and are in a better position to decide whether you should repair or replace your cooling system. They can look at how efficient or inefficient your current system is, analyze the condition of existing equipment and ducts, and assess the quality of insulation in your house.

But when weighing a decision to either repair or replace, contact air conditioning companies. These contractors are experts and are in a better position to determine the condition of existing equipment and ducts, as well as assess the quality of insulation in your house.

Efficiency of Current System

How much electricity is your air conditioner using? The older it is, the more electricity it is likely using. It could be even more inefficient than current but low-end systems. This is because older systems from before 2006 operated at only 10 Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). This standard has since changed, as federal law now requires 13 SEER. Systems adhering to this use 30% less electrical consumption than past requirements.

Condition of the Ductwork

HVAC ductwork partsRemember that mechanical gears make up only a part of a central air conditioning system. Energy efficiency can be compromised if ductwork is faulty. Ducts could be leaking 10% to 30% of air before it gets to living spaces. So, before you decide to repair or replace the parts of a unit, have a technician run a duct leakage test. This is done by sealing vents and determining the amount of air that escapes. Inefficient ducts will be identified and all gaps sealed. You may choose to replace existing ductwork for a newer and insulated pipe.

Structure Insulation

A poorly insulated house can strain an aging air conditioner and significantly drive energy costs up. If you can resolve these problems, your cooling system may be able to continue functioning for a few more years. Essentially, you can lower upfront costs and reduce ongoing unnecessary energy expenses by having your house or building regularly inspected and maintained.

Insulation may involve sealing the gaps and cracks found on outer walls and in the floors and ceilings of an attic and basement. Carrying out these changes can improve costs by over 30%. Before replacing your equipment, consider that insulation can serve as an effective solution for improving cooling systems and reducing energy expenditure.

Size of Replacement System

After considering these factors, you may still decide to get a replacement cooling system. Your contractor will likely provide you a load calculation to estimate the relative size your new system should be to effectively bring cool air into a room. The calculation includes factors like number of windows, thickness of insulation, and building orientation. This is important in determining the exact tonnage requirement and amount of cool air necessary in each living space.

As a homeowner, you need to be able to consider other ways to decrease energy expenditures. The best solution isn’t always to replace your cooling system.

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