James Mitchell

You’ll see hundreds of articles about self-care if you do a quick search. Even if you don’t use those keywords, you’ll notice the top advice people give these days is for you to give yourself some love and do something that will make you happy. There are extravagant ways to do this, but even better, some of them don’t require that you leave the house.

What if it’s the house itself that’s causing you to feel unhappy? Your familiarity with the surroundings might be working against your idea of self-care. Here are some ways to remedy that:


Renovation is a lucrative industry, and now that you’re feeling trapped in a place you once felt happy in, you may understand better why people choose to renovate as long as their budget allows them. It’s the best way to change your surroundings without packing your bags and moving to a new address.

You don’t even have to do a complete renovation of all the rooms in your house. Sometimes, even subtle but impactful changes such as doing hardwood floor refinishing can already be a sight for sore eyes. If you’re in Kansas City, where families can get competitive when it comes to home designs, this is a good way to stand out.

Invite People Over

group of friends having teaIt might not be the house that’s making you unhappy; it might be the lack of fun that’s happening in it. For families, there might be a set of routine that you’re used to already. That means workdays and school days don’t leave much room for variation, as everyone needs to turn in early for the night.

On the weekends, spice things up by inviting some people over for a barbecue or just to laze around and catch up. If the whole family is there, everyone can even help out in preparing some indulgent dishes. When you bring everyone together, that’s when you get back the homey vibe rather than just living in a house as a physical structure.


People are inspired by seeing new things. You get a rush of what’s called “shopper’s high,” which is the same feeling that gamblers get when they’re facing the gambling table and gearing up to win.

<p”>If you don’t have the time to renovate or you don’t feel up to the task, shopping for new household essentials might be what you need to liven up your space and bring down your stress levels when you’re at home. Treat yourself to some luxurious bedding and sleepwear. You can even buy aromatic candles to turn your room into a haven of relaxation.

Update the Decorations

Renovating and entertaining require some level of attention and preparation, making them feel like a commitment. While you’re waiting for your shopping haul to arrive, you can take out all outdated decorations around the house and swap them in with newer ones.

Those achievements you’ve earned recently need to be up there for you to see, to motivate you to do better. Your interests might have changed over time and something you liked a decade ago might not fit your personality now. Let the house reflect your current interests so that you will not feel like the house is stagnant or stuck in the past.

Self-care comes in all shapes and sizes. If your home feels more like a source of stress and sadness than a place for happiness and relaxation, something’s got to change.

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