James Mitchell
  • This handbook provides guidance for homeowners to tackle common household issues like plumbing problems and flooring issues.
  • It offers DIY techniques for aesthetic upgrades such as painting walls, refinishing furniture, and installing kitchen backsplashes. 
  • Professionals should handle complex issues like roof leaks, electrical emergencies, and pest control.
  • Homeownership is a learning journey; embracing DIY projects can enhance the home’s value, beauty, and safety.

As seasoned homeowners, you’ve learned the hard way that problems around the house can’t be ignored. But what if we told you that many of these common household problems can be tackled with little research and some elbow grease? This ultimate home repair handbook is here to help you become the go-to person for fixing issues around the house, one problem at a time.

Plumbing Problems

One of the most common issues we’ve experienced is a clogged drain. This can happen in the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, or shower, and it’s rarely a quick fix. 

First, try using a plunger to clear the blockage. If that doesn’t work, you can use a drain snake to dislodge whatever is causing the clog. Another solution is to pour a mixture of hot water, baking soda, and vinegar down the drain to break up any debris.

In case of a burst pipe, locating the leak is paramount. Turning off the main water supply valve before addressing the issue is essential. It might require rubber sealing tape, PVC glue, plumber’s putty, or pipe repair kits.

Common Flooring Issues

From laminate to hardwood flooring, homeowners face similar flooring issues. For example, squeaky floors can be a nuisance, but luckily, it’s an easy fix with a lot of patience. 

Try using talcum powder or graphite to get rid of the squeak. You can invest in floor wax or wood filler if the flooring has scratches or dents.

You should also implement a daily cleaning routine to prevent excessive damage from dirt and grit. In some cases, you might have to sand and refinish the floor for a long-term solution.

man DIY adding new wooden floor to the house

Aesthetic Upgrades

If you want to make some aesthetic improvements, there are several DIY projects you can take on. All you’d need is to gather your supplies and ensure you have everything necessary for the job. Here are some ideas:

Painting the Walls

A fresh coat of paint can instantly brighten up a room, hiding old stains and giving it a new lease of life. Start by preparing the wall; fill in any holes or cracks with filler, sand down the surface for a smooth finish, and clean the wall to eliminate dust or grease.

Once prepped, apply a primer to ensure that the paint adheres properly. Choose high-quality paint in the color of your choice and apply uniformly using a paint roller. Be sure to protect the floor and furniture with drop cloths to avoid accidental paint drips.

Refinishing Furniture

Reviving an old piece of furniture can breathe new life into your space without the need for expensive purchases. Start by removing any old paint or finish using a chemical stripper.

Once the old finish is removed, sand the surface to smooth out any imperfections. Dust off residues and wipe with a damp cloth. Apply a coat of primer, followed by a paint or stain of your choice. Finally, apply a clear finish to protect the new surface and let it dry thoroughly.

Installing a Backsplash in the Kitchen

A backsplash adds a stylish and practical element to any kitchen. Start by measuring the area accurately and purchase the tiles accordingly. Prepare the wall by cleaning it thoroughly and applying a waterproof primer. Layout your tiles to decide on the pattern.

Apply adhesive to the wall and start placing your tiles from the bottom, ensuring each tile is level. Once dry, apply grout to the joints and wipe off any excess with a damp sponge. Let it dry completely before sealing the grout to prevent staining and increase durability.

green backsplash in a modern kitchen

When To Seek Professionals

While tackling common home repair projects is rewarding, there are specific tasks that should only be performed by licensed professionals. Some repairs require specialized knowledge, so it’s best to call a professional for these issues. Here are some examples:

Roof Leaks

When it comes to roof leaks, the source of the problem can be challenging to find. It’s often an issue with the shingles, flashing, or gutters. Moreover, knowing when roof leak repair requires special equipment and extensive labor is essential.

In this case, calling a certified professional is the best option for a successful outcome. Most contractors offer services like inspection, patching up existing leaks, and installing new roofs.

Electrical Emergencies

Unless you’re a certified electrician, messing with electrical wiring is dangerous. Trying to fix an outlet or replacing a switch can be incredibly hazardous if not done correctly.

If you experience shocks from outlets, sparks near switches, flickering lights, or noises coming from breakers and wires, don’t hesitate to call an electrician. They play a critical role in preventing any dangerous electrical emergencies and can help you minimize potential hazards.

Pest Control

Having pests running around the house can be highly stressful. From spiders and ants to rats and mice, these infestations should be taken care of quickly.

In these cases, hiring a pest control professional for an inspection and treatment is best. They can assess the level of infestation and use the appropriate chemicals or traps to get rid of them for good.

Homeownership comes with a multitude of responsibilities and challenges. Whether it’s a clogged drain, a squeaky floor, or an outdated room crying out for a fresh coat of paint, there’s always something that requires attention. While many common household issues can be tackled with a bit of DIY enthusiasm and the right tools, others call for the expertise of professionals. By understanding and addressing these common problems, you can maintain and enhance your home’s value, beauty, and safety. Remember, the key is not to feel overwhelmed but rather to approach each problem as an opportunity to learn and grow as a homeowner.

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