James Mitchell

If you’re one of those who find it hard to fall or stay asleep, you are likely worried how sleep deprivation can affect your health over time. Well, there are reasons to be worried, but it is much more important to make simple lifestyle changes to help you sleep better and faster. Sometimes, the key to getting enough slumber lies on your routines and bedtime activities.

Being consistent pays off

This means dozing off and waking up at the same time daily (including weekends). This may seem a little difficult, especially if are used to staying up late on Fridays or weekends. Doing so, however, adjusts your body clock, which will then help you in falling asleep and waking up.

Your environment matters

A cluttered and a filthy bedroom can make it difficult for you to fall asleep. 2 Brothers Mattress noted that you should also pay attention to the condition of your bed. If you toss and turn every night, mattress stores in Utah suggest replacing what you are using. This is especially true if your mattress cannot support your body or is more than eight years.

The importance of winding down

Allotting at least 30 minutes for relaxing or winding down can help you fall asleep faster. This may mean doing something calming like reading or listening to soothing music. You should also dim the lights before sleeping and avoid using electronic devices as you prepare to doze off.

Get out of bed

If you cannot doze off after 20 minutes of lying in bed, get up and go to another room in the house and do something relaxing. Note that this does not include watching movies or using any electronic devices. Trying too hard to fall asleep can be counterproductive and even result in wakefulness.

Apart from these tips, it is also advisable to avoid habits that can cause you to wake up at night, like drinking coffee or alcohol late in the afternoon. You should also refrain from worrying or thinking about your problems while lying in bed. Managing stress using relaxation exercises is beneficial.

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