James Mitchell

Whether you are tiling your bathroom, kitchen, or living room, you have to be careful to get everything right. If you are a first-timer, chances are high that you would make some mistakes. Since some mistakes might mean inconveniences and losses, you should research the pitfalls to avoid before starting your project. This article highlights a few of those pitfalls.

Failure to Plan

Since your project is unique, you should expect unique challenges. Evaluating the space first helps you know how to approach tiling it. If you plan to tile your living room, you should ensure that the floor is clean and flat enough. It is essential that you do not fit new tiles on existing ones. If you plan to tile the bathroom walls, you have to clean them prior to tiling. This is because the adhesive would not work well on dirty walls. It is important to gather all the necessary materials before starting the project.

Starting Without a Design Vision

Do not assume that everything will simply fall in place. Whether your space is perfectly square or not, you should have a tiling vision. This ensures that you end up with a quality layout. If the space has plenty of corners and edges, you should factor them in before starting laying your tiles. It is advisable to lay out some tiles before applying any adhesive to preview your finished floor. In case you would be working with a contractor, they should understand your vision before they start the project.

Failure to Waterproof

You must give waterproofing the importance it deserves. It is true that you can lay your tiles without waterproofing. However, you will incur unplanned expenses in repairs going forward. It might also mean permanent structural damage. Understand that there are specifications regarding waterproofing. Whether you would be using a penetrating or membrane sealer, you should familiarize yourself with those regulations. In case you prefer working with a contractor, make sure that they will adhere to F3010 specifications and all other specifications.

Cracking Your Tiles

Most types of tiles are fragile. If you do not handle them carefully, you will end up with many ruined tiles. Being wasteful means more expenses. While you can always fit cracked tiles, they can be an eyesore. To avoid unnecessary damage, you should take some preventative measures. You should always lay your tiles flat on the ground. You should also avoid piling them. If you must cut them, use a diamond wet saw. Familiarizing yourself with how to use the saw improves your chances of achieving a precise cut.

Ignoring Adhesive Rules

Laying floor tiles

Understand that adhesive requirements vary according to the type of tile. You should research the adhesive rules applicable to the types of tiles you have. Most importantly, stick to the rules. Be careful to choose a high-quality adhesive, too. Following rules will not mean much if you use an inferior-quality adhesive.

Tiling can be expensive, especially if you plan to tile a large space. You will not have a chance to do over without incurring high expenses. For best results, it is advisable to hire a seasoned tiling contractor.

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