James Mitchell

Office layout plays a crucial role in the performance of your organisation. It impacts your team’s productivity, teamwork, and safety and comfort. If your office needs to have a staircase, however, it should not affect how your team works. You should consult with stairs companies, like Active Metal, to create a design that suits your office well.

Here are three factors to consider for a quality office staircase.

Consider the Size of the Stairs

When planning the layout of a staircase, determine the right size first. Your stairs should not eat up too much space, minimising the area where your team can work. An office should provide employees with opportunities to move around, too. This helps them become more productive and reduces their stress levels.

The Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) explains steps, stairs and ramps have the highest injury rates from trips, slips and falls. You should assess these areas to determine the right solution that can reduce the hazards.

The WHS recommends that the size and height of steps should be consistent to prevent accidents. Make sure that the front of the steps is easy to see and non-slip, as well. Hard to see or slippery step nosing can be hazardous. Additionally, the handrails of your stairs should be continuous with sufficient hand clearance.

Stairs Come in Different Designs

woman on stairs

Apart from the size, the design also plays a crucial role in finding the right stairs for your office. Stairs come in various styles that offer different visual appeal to a space. How you use the stairs in your office can guide you in choosing the right layout.

A straight staircase is a popular and affordable style because of its simplicity. This staircase doesn’t need support because professionals can attach it at the top and the bottom, making it easier to install the railings and handrails. You can enhance its aesthetic by choosing a different variety, like open risers, modern materials and metal cable railings.

Another type of staircase is the L-shaped stairs, which is a straight staircase but with a turn in the middle or closer to either of the ends. This type may be aesthetically appealing and occupy less space. It can, however, be more costly and harder to install than straight stairs.

For offices with tight spaces, a spiral staircase can be an ideal choice because it only requires a small amount of space. Only one person at a time can use this staircase, however, because of its narrow structure. Your team may also have a hard time moving large items up and down in this type of staircase.

Choose the Materials Wisely

Your choice of materials can affect the appeal of your staircase and its lifespan. Choose from the following:

  • Timber – wood is a strong, versatile material that provides a timeless look to a space.
  • Glass and acrylic – using these materials add a touch of contemporary glamour to a space. They also allow light to pass through between rooms.
  • Metal – this material is ideal for spiral staircases and adds an industrial look to your office.
  • Stone and concrete – these materials are ideal for creating a sense of solidity in a space. You can use them whether you want a traditional or a contemporary staircase.

The cost of a staircase project varies on the design and the material you’re using. Your contractor can assist you in deciding on these aspects to achieve the staircase that is suitable to your office and organisation.

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