James Mitchell

In New Zealand, businesses may need to tighten their coffers as energy prices continue to increase. Take electricity, for example.

The costs of electric power hit almost 30 cents per kilowatt-hour, and that’s just for the residences. This has been the second highest level in less than 15 years. The prices have been creeping up the government is considering a full-scale review of the costing methods.

Like a game of poker, when you’re dealt with a difficult card, you either fold or give it a go. The first option is often not the smartest one, especially when there are other ways to bring down the energy costs.

Do you need some ideas? Here are some of them:

Consider Modular Construction

Modular commercial design and construction is a process of creating the parts of a structure such as a building off-site. It is usually in a massive plant, warehouse, or facility.

For many experts, this construction method is sustainable for a variety of reasons. One, the team can maximise the available materials. The excess may be for other sections or even for other projects.

It also limits the amount of time necessary for building. In some cases, it can speed up construction by half the time it normally needs.

Most of all, it uses energy wisely. Every kilowatt-hour helps support the creation of the structure you need to start a business.

Incorporate Smart Technologies

Remote Home Control

Using smart HVAC systems and lighting, for instance, isn’t merely keeping up with the times. They are popular because they are effective in reducing energy consumption. They can help prevent wastage.

The ABI Research report suggests that by embracing the Internet of things (IoT), businesses around the world will be able to save a whopping $14 billion annually in operational costs. That is equivalent to 25%!

That’s not all. Integrating smart tech is how you build a smart city, which can then translate to more significant savings. It can reach as much as $5 trillion each year.

Maximise Natural Ventilation

The concept of natural ventilation is simple: let the air or wind rule. Allow it to move across the buildings with a sound architectural design. In the process, you become less dependent on energy-hogging systems. These include air-conditioning and heating.

It’s not the only advantage, though. It also promotes easy and quick installation. Your space may no longer need some ductwork, which is both time-consuming and expensive. Using natural assets means lower reliance on conventional energy. It may even improve the look of the building and makes maintenance easier and faster.

Reduce the Need for Steel

Steel has always been a primary raw material in commercial construction, and that’s not surprising. It provides stability, integrity, and durability – but it can also be polluting.

Producing a single tonne of it can mean emitting two tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Now picture this: the world creates a staggering 1.5 billion tonnes of it each year.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is now developing steel production methods that don’t use carbon, but it may take a while before it becomes commercial. In the meantime, you can help by avoiding steel as much as possible.

As they say, make do with what you have. You may not be able to control the costs of electricity, but you can do something to minimise its impact on your business. Try these energy-efficiency solutions.

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