James Mitchell

There may be times when you feel like your home sweet home looks cluttered and dingy. Of course, this is something that you should address right away, as the vibe of your space can have an effect on your emotions and lifestyle.

Isn’t it nice to have a brighter and bigger space sometimes? While your home is not inherently that vast, you can actually make it look bigger — and with the best effort, you can make it look like a million-dollar home.

If you are looking for ways to do just that, this guide has rounded up some tips and tricks. Some of them will not even cost you a thousand dollars, so why not give them a try:

Get bigger windows

Living room with big windowsThe very first thing you ought to do is to let the light in. This is something that you can easily achieve by getting more windows or larger ones. Natural light can make your home much warmer and inviting.

If you think that the light is too glaring, however, you can get some window treatments. Beautiful shutters from Fair Haven, NJ will certainly do. A thick curtain is also ideal.

Place a mirror

Natural light can make your home look brighter, and mirrors can amplify that effect. It is best to install a large mirror to reflect the light. You can also do this trick: Install two large mirrors on both sides of the room and at the same eye level. That way, you can have the illusion of a bigger room.

The big question now is, “Which type of mirror should you install?” Here are some of your choices:

Floor mirrors – These are large statement pieces that you can either mount on a stand or let it be freestanding or propped against the wall for a slightly dramatic effect. These are ideal for areas where you need a full-length view, such as the bedroom and hallways.

Dressing table mirrors – These are small yet decorative mirrors that sit on either a vanity or a dressing table. They can be mounted either on a small stand (for them to be easily adjusted) or on a table. It usually has three panels, which allow you to view different angles simultaneously.

Wall mirrors – These are the most common types, as they usually come in different shapes (like a star or hexagon) and styles. These can work as a focal point in your living room, particularly above your fireplace, or be installed in the bathroom about the sink.

Use brighter paint

The dinginess of the room can be attributed to the color. This is something that you can easily manage by using a brighter paint. Many interior designers recommend the use of white and beige. But you can actually go for the likes of pastels, such as sky blue and pink.

These are just some of the things to keep in mind if you want to make your room look much bigger. You can even maximize the floor space by doing away with large shelves.

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